The Whitakers are generally viewed as the most inbred family in the United States. This is due to the fact that they are all related.  However, recent records indicate that their parents were cousins and not brother and sister, as was previously believed.


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Given that the Whitakers are genetically and biologically related, no one has been able to determine their family history.

Also, the Whitakers family are secretive about their family history and are protected by the community where they reside, who have made it hard for anyone to interact with them.

However, a horror video depicting the Whitakers’ life went viral in 2020 after it was shared by a channel called Soft White Underbelly.


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Since then, the focus has shifted to the Whitakers, leaving many to wonder what may have transpired with the family.


Continue reading this article to learn more about the Whittaker family.

Profile Summary

Name The Whitakers
Father John Whitaker
Place of residence Odd, West Virginia
Video uploaded by Soft White Underbelly
Date July 4 2020
Video made by Mark Latia
Family member Lorraine, Ray, and Timmy

The Whitakers Family History

The Whitaker family is native to and currently resides in Odd, West Virginia. They are regarded as the most popular inbred family in America.

In 2004, a photographer by the name of Mark Laita photographed the Whitaker family for his book titled Created Equal, according to public records.

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This is evidence that the Whitakers are well protected in Odd, West Virginia, as Mark Laita revealed that he faced threats from neighbours while attempting to photograph the family and had to explain why he was doing so before the locals gave him permission to do so.

Mark Latia revisited The Whitaker family in Odd, Virginia in 2020, and this time he recorded a video of the trip that went viral.

Mark Latia titled the video “Inbred Family: The Whitaker,” and the video has garnered over 19 million views and over 250,000 likes, while over 12,000 people have disliked it.

The video depicted the Whitakers, an older generation British family living in a small town in the Appalachian region, working on their father’s farm.

However, judging by the video, the Whitakers were struggling to make a living in their modest home with several dogs.

Ray, Lorraine, Timmy, Freddie, and an unnamed sister are the current members of the Whitakers, who also include a cousin. Nevertheless, it is believed that there are a few family members who have not been mentioned.

There are claims that The Whitaker’s health issues are a result of inbreeding despite the fact that they have not undergone a medical examination as of yet.