These 7 Things Will Damages Your Brain Slowly


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These 7 Things Will Damages Your Brain Slowly  

They say that good health is wealth. Unknowingly, we engage in a multitude of activities that are harmful to our brains.

Here are seven activities we should discontinue.

1. Head covering while sleeping


Sleeping with the head covered increases the concentration of carbon dioxide and decrease the concentration of oxygen that may lead to brain damaging effects.

2. Listening to loud music

Some people are found of listening to music at a very high volume, they will increase the volume to the highest while the song is on, it is totally wrong. Listening to music at a very high volume with your earphones or headphones might damage your hearing abilities permanently . It can result in some brain problems such as loss of memory and damage to your brain tissue in the coming future. This is because brain is the one, which takes efforts to comprehend what is being said around you. If you apply excess pressure on your brain, it’s sure to get damaged.

3. Smoking

Research has demonstrated that smoking not only affects the liver and lungs, but also the brain. The addictive nicotine in cigarettes causes the brain to shrink. The brain shrinks as a result of smoking and excessive nicotine consumption. In other words, if you are addicted to cigarettes, your brain is in grave danger.

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4. Taking too much sugar

Long-term excessive sugar consumption impairs the body’s ability to absorb proteins and nutrients. This results in a condition known as malnutrition, which inhibits brain development. It occurs because our body does not have enough nutrients in its blood; consequently, it does not deliver enough nutrients to our brain, which hinders its growth. To function properly, the brain needs an abundance of nutrients.

5. Staying in a poorly Ventilated area

To function, the brain requires high levels of oxygen. According to research, a lack of oxygen to the brain for four minutes results in instantaneous death. Therefore, staying in an area with poor ventilation for an extended period of time can impair brain function.

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6. Not drinking water

As everyone knows, 80 percent of the brain is water. Brain needs sufficient water to think more quickly and concentrate more effectively. Consequentially, it is crucial that you always stay hydrated. Your body and brain will operate more efficiently if you consume sufficient water. It is scientifically incorrect for some individuals to only consume water when they are parched. You drink water constantly, not just when you feel thirsty or dehydrated, because all metabolic processes in the body are regulated by water; therefore, the brain requires more water.

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7. Lack of sleep

Several researches have revealed that the brain purifies itself of toxins only during the deep sleep cycle. Lack of sleep can cause the death of brain cells, which can lead to impaired memory and reduced abilities. Some people over work their brain during the day and at last get few sleep, it is totally wrong; after the day’s activity, you ought to give time to rest adequately to all your brain relax and function better.

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These 7 Things  Will Damages Your Brain Slowly

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